The Eiffel Tower, located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, the capital of France, northwest of the Champ de Mars park, was built in 1889 by the Eiffel Company led by architect Gustave Eiffel for the 4th Universal Exposition held in Paris to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. The tower itself is 300 meters high, and now boasts an overall height of 324 meters, including the broadcasting antennas, and a total weight of approximately 10,100 tons, making it a gigantic, symbolic landmark of Paris.
On the other hand, “Nodame Cantabile: Paris” is an animated work that tells the story of Chiaki and Nodame who came to Paris to study music. In this work, many Parisian landscapes are depicted, and the Eiffel Tower also makes an appearance. This work is about classical music and is set in Paris, the home of music. The Eiffel Tower plays an important role in the story as a symbolic presence of that Paris. Thus, the Eiffel Tower is not only an actual Parisian landmark, but also plays an important role in the story.
一方、「のだめカンタービレ 巴里編」は、音楽留学のためにパリへやってきた千秋とのだめの物語を描いたアニメ作品です。この作品では、パリの風景が多く描かれており、エッフェル塔も登場します。この作品は、クラシック音楽をテーマにした作品で、音楽の本場であるパリが舞台となっています。エッフェル塔は、そのパリの象徴的な存在として、物語の中で重要な役割を果たしています。このように、エッフェル塔は、実際のパリのランドマークであるだけでなく、物語の中でも重要な存在となっています。