The Grand Palais Ephémère is a temporary exhibition hall located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, designed by architect Jean-Michel Vilmot. This 10,000 m2 hall will open in 2021 and is scheduled for demolition in 2024. Its purpose is to host exhibitions while the Grand Palais is being renovated for the 2024 Summer Olympics.
The building is an ecological construction that aims to reduce the environmental impact of the building through the extensive use of wood, sound and thermal insulation, and other measures.3 In addition, the building’s modular construction allows it to be reused in many different settings after its removal from the Champ de Mars in the fall of 2024.1 The building will also be used as a venue for the Grand Palais Ephémès, which is scheduled to open in the fall of 2024.
The Grand Palais Ephémère will be the venue for art, mode, and sporting events usually held at the Grand Palais, such as the FIAC (International Fair of Contemporary Art), the Hermès equestrian competition, and the Chanel fashion show.
For the 2024 Paris Olympics, the Grand Palais Ephémère will become the “ARENA CHAMP-DE-MARS” and will be the venue for judo and wrestling competitions. For the Paralympics, judo and rugby matches will be held there. Thus, the Grand Palais Ephémère is closely linked to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Grand Palais Ephémèreは、通常グラン・パレで開催されるFIAC(国際現代アート見本市)、エルメスの馬術大会、シャネルのファッションショーなど、アートやモード、スポーツイベントの会場となります。
2024年のパリオリンピックにおいて、Grand Palais Ephémèreは、「ARENA CHAMP-DE-MARS」となり、柔道とレスリングの競技会場となる予定です。また、パラリンピックでは、柔道とラグビーの試合が行われます。このように、Grand Palais Ephémèreはパリオリンピック2024と密接に関連しています。